The classic DELTA livery.The set includes 2 liveries:
1. Classic clean
2. Classic dirty
A custom passenger cabin was also made, but I didn't bother much with it, so there are shortcomings.
In the future, I will add new liveries to the DELTA fleet and correct some points in the current work.
(If you found any shortcomings/errors, please let us know!!!)
You can support me as an author there.
Have a nice flight, thank you for choosing HOF
The tests were conducted in X PLANE 12. But at 11 everything should look pretty.
I really look forward to your opinion about the livery, the only way to improve the quality of work!
"Harmonizing Originality with Flawless Designs"
Great livery. Looking for a British Airways CEO in the future.
I have a bit of an issue. the livery works fine but the engine textures/livery colors don't load in. I'm not sure why. I've done the whole ceo mod properly, every other livery I have works just fine, except for this one. Any ideas? I'm using Carda mods for toliss on the toliss A320 Neo
HOF_DS 12 month(s) ago
Quite an interesting problem actually. Did you download a separate aircraft or did you do the A320 CEO yourself?
afuhklha 12 month(s) ago
I did the A320 ceo myself. everything works just as it should regarding the livery except for the engines. I am using Carda Mods for the 321 on the 320 ceo variant. I don't get why it is specifically that livery because I tried to replace the engine png files with a different one from a different delta livery, and it still did not work. Again it just doesn't make sense why it is specifically your livery that doesnt work because any other livery I use works just fine
afuhklha 12 month(s) ago
I figured out the problem! Within the livery files, the folder containing everything related to the engines is named "CFM" when it should really be named CFM56! It works just fine now! Love the livery, do you plan on making an american airlines livery by chance
mrbeanifiom 10 month(s) ago
What Engine typy 5A or 5B?
HOF_DS 10 month(s) ago
5b + paintkit for 5b
can you do jetblue next?
great work! how did you manage to place the stobe light in the correct positon?
Can you please make an Allegiant Air livery?
Hi! Do you have the coordinates for the mod?