United States

Regional Airports

KACV - Cali Redwood Coast-Humboldt County Airport

DISCORD SERVER   Humboldt County Airport, otherwise known as KACV, is a small, regional airport situated on the coast of northern California. It has primary service from United from Denver, LAX, and San Francisco, as well as Avelo from Burbank (which I have also made)....




Humboldt County Airport, otherwise known as KACV, is a small, regional airport situated on the coast of northern California. It has primary service from United from Denver, LAX, and San Francisco, as well as Avelo from Burbank (which I have also made). The airport also has coast guard and GA ops as well. The departure off runway 32 gives pilots and passengers an unrivaled view of the coast.


MisterX Library
ZDP Library
JB library https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/26531-jb_libraryzip/ (please read carefully)
SAM3 Library
CDB Library


Initial Release
June 17, 2023
Last Updated
11 month(s) ago — 1.0



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73.27 MB



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© EOzman - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden. This X-Plane 12 add-on was created by EOzman and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Regional Airports for X-Plane 12.


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  • Launched June 17, 2023

    Initial release of this file just launched. Welcome aboard!

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