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Hey , this is outrageous! The livery pack that’s been posted here is actually the hard work of my friend. Seeing it claimed by someone else without any credit is infuriating. My friend put in countless hours to create this, and they deserve recognition for their work. This kind of behavior is unacceptable, and it needs to be addressed immediately. Please show some respect and give credit where it's due and delete it ! NOW!
176knots 8 day(s) ago
pastizzitamarsa 5 day(s) ago
Good day sir, if you are referring to the livery created by 176knots I can confirm I did not use his livery as a base for my creation, my livery is actually based off from a work that had been published on the official xplane forum, if I recall correctly it was for 9H-AEP (I've asked permission for my works to be posted).
I've actually been working on this livery ever since that livery was released. I'll give you the link to what I'm referring to in another comment. And I can proof that I've been working on my livery far before your friend's had been published. Anyways it would be nice to settle everything as my sole intention was to provide a livery for the community. Hope we manage to solve this minor inconvenience 😊.
pastizzitamarsa 5 day(s) ago
This is the work I based my livery off, hope it helps clarify any doubts you had 😊
Delete the livery you stolen like the half of it from my livery
DIFSRIPP 8 day(s) ago
pastizzitamarsa 5 day(s) ago
Good day sir, as I explained to your friend in the other comment, I did not base my livery off of your work, rather off of a work that had been posted on the official xplane forum.
If you need any further clarification don't hesitate to contact me. 😊
176knots 4 day(s) ago
The new livery is 100% copied if you overlap both you will see it looks exactly like mine + i see that you removed the ,,air,,
pastizzitamarsa 3 day(s) ago
Good day sir, as I've already said, I requested to and used the texture from the person who provided the livery for AEP in the link I sent you, if you've noticed that our liveries are "overlapping" in an identical way is because maybe even you've used as base the livery I linked before. However sharklets, interiors and retuning of the colours, registrations plus the custom stickers for "neo" were created by me already in October 2023, months before your livery package was released. Now I really don't want to continue this argument and I hope we manage to solve this issue. If you still don't believe me you can PM me and I'll provide you with the proofs. Have a good day 😊
pastizzitamarsa 3 day(s) ago
Ps. Before I get the usual answer that km Malta airlines didn't even exist in 2023, I'll state that I had been working on a livery package for Air Malta, predecessor of KM. Subsequently when I decided to publish my work the only thing I removed the "air" writing from my work.